Congrats to THEONEKittEH
Published 5 years ago - 457 plays
Congratulations on 1st place!
I can't beat your time so now you have 3 subs
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5 years ago
n0 n0 n0 n0 n0 n0 n0
5 years ago
Here's the track code if you want to mix it up -18 1i 18 1i,-jl -aq -i6 -6g,-ho -70 -iq -6c,-jm -ao -js -9g,-h8 -9o -hb -9m -hh -9i -hm -9e -hq -98 -hs -91 -ht -8p -hu -8h -ht -87 -hs -82,-hu -84 -hp -87 -hf -8a -h5 -8d -gt -8e -gm -8d -gg -8b -ga -87 -g6 -81 -g4 -7u,-g8 -80 -g8 -7s -ga -7m -gc -7g -gf -7b -gk -76 -gp -73 -gv -70 -h6 -6v -ha -6u,-gq -bo -f0 -88,-gq -9u -f8 -au,-42 -cq -5n -88,-45 -co -3s -ck -3h -cd -3a -c9 -33 -c4 -2u -c0 -2p -br -2l -bm -2i -bh -2g -bc -2e -b6 -2d -b1 -2d -ar