here is his version, the access key to sign up is "2008". note that the game is very unpolished and some features from the original bhr don't work: blackhatrider( )epizy( )com/ some BHR tracks were moved to frhd before the domain was shut down in 2020 as they have a place in free rider history. a player by the name of calculus has worked on making a new black hat rider.
1 week ago
replace the ( ) with .
1 week ago
here is his version, the access key to sign up is "2008". note that the game is very unpolished and some features from the original bhr don't work: blackhatrider( )epizy( )com/
1 week ago some BHR tracks were moved to frhd before the domain was shut down in 2020 as they have a place in free rider history. a player by the name of calculus has worked on making a new black hat rider.
1 week ago
TPlacella Is it still up?