Quick (Desc.)
Published 6 years ago - 1.3k plays
Sorry for being so inactive. I'm going on a trip soon, so I'll be even more inactive. Currently, I'm inactive because my sister took my GOOD chromebook and the one I'm using is too big and the spacebar doesn't feel right at all.The point is, mine is a really good one and I can't get used to the feel
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6 years ago
moonoomoo ok lol : D you make me laugh... we need more frhd players like you
6 years ago
MOTOMIKE64 shes extremely judgemental and an a**hole. you wouldn't like her
6 years ago
moonoomoo send me her IG so I can DM (jk)
6 years ago
moonoomoo hook me up (calm down its a joke... not trying to start stuff) but actually hook us up