5 sub special

Published 6 years ago - 877 plays
This is absolute trash like you guys who chose to sub to me so please stop because I'm on the 5th special and I have like 14 subs atm and I can't keep doing this so DON'T SUB PLEASE because I'm backed up and I need to come up with 9 ideas that take actual effort now and that's a lot of work
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6 years ago
PixelPerfect55 so, no its not trash while you just got calling it trash, you dont make any sence, and more plays than i can count? ive got 10k + plays on my tracks
6 years ago
PixelPerfect55 why are you bullying me I only want to appease my scrubscribers
6 years ago
PixelPerfect55 no it's not an 'if' because it is trash and I upload it because it gets more plays than you can count
6 years ago
adruzgal if its trash why would you upload it