get rich or die trying

Published 6 years ago - 310 plays
get rich or die trying,get rich or die trying,get rich or die trying, get rich or die trying
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6 years ago
AdanCordova No. This track is a refference to the movie? Probably why I didn't get it. I don't listen to 50 cent either...
6 years ago
AdanCordova Lol, no problem. Thanks for the sub. Out of courtesy I will sub back. (I don't usually do sub for sub)
6 years ago
AdanCordova Also, you're tracks would be a lot more interesting with much less falling. When a track is spread out this much, it gets boring. (not trying to be mean or anything, just honest advice)
6 years ago
AdanCordova That is actually dependent on how fast you are going. I have tried several times at different speeds. Sometimes you die, sometimes you don't. Either way, that is irrelevant to how accurate you have to be to hit the gravity changer in the air. Please don't do this in future tracks.