in5aNE tRIAls #2
Published 6 years ago - 349 plays
Editor time: 13:47.77 Difficulty: Very hard (without spacebar) medium (with spacebar) Enjoy! Subscribe for more trials like this one.
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6 years ago
tetrationiscool Thank you for giving me knowledge and ideas on how to improve on trials. I will add numbers on the stars for my next track so it won't be confusing. But thank you very much for giving me ideas.
6 years ago
dachalk Thanks for your kind words. I think this trial is quite good. The only thing I'll say is that the end part could be completed in various ways. If this was on purpose, then it's fine. Mazes can be fun to figure out. If that was accidental, consider making a clearer path for the way in which you want it to be completed. Overall, I like it a lot. There are a variety of challenges and no luck-based parts.
6 years ago
tetrationiscool Please try this trial, and please suggest improvements. You are my role model in making trials, thank you so much.
6 years ago