The 100 like balloon?
Published 6 years ago - 5.2k plays
I thought this was going to be cool but i released Zycreak will hire a hitman for me. :( So Sorry Zycreak (sub to him)
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6 years ago
Fiendish one more account liking it is one too many. Please don't give likes to the same track with multiple accounts.
6 years ago
tetrationiscool He uploads most of his tracks at off-peak times and they get 10-20 likes in 20 minutes, which is about 2-4 times more likes than what the other most liked tracks get in a few hours at that time. I've only seen a few exceptions, and then they recieve pretty much no likes.
6 years ago
tetrationiscool i admit that i had one more account liking it but thats it
6 years ago
ASADWAFFLE yes for a little