Balloon Torch On Sound
Published 6 years ago - 1.1k plays
This is a hold up, auto, and hold up and z(if it works). Yes, this track was generated. This will probably be the only generated track I ever create, but I wanted to show off the generator I made. I am also not planning to publish the generator. Finally, thank you to every one of my 29 subscribers.
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- Lean Left
- Lean Right
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Front Brake Advanced+
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6 years ago
Auto_Man_XD Hello!
6 years ago
Pie42 Hello!
6 years ago
Pie42 ok, thanks
6 years ago
NasaDude Well, the way I did it is by making my own generator, and programming it to do what I want, but I'm guessing that's not what you want. Really, the only other way to do it is to find another generator or have someone give you one they made and hope it does what you want it to.