Jet Airliner

Published 6 years ago - 13.8k plays
I worked hard on this. Please Subscribe. Like for more of this!
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6 years ago
When I put the code for this track (jet airliner) on a google doc it takes up 14 pages. When I put the unfinished track that I am working on on a google doc it takes up 18 pages, when it is finished it could take up as much as 28 pages.
6 years ago
I have a lot of work on my next track that I find very monotonous, shading, drawing the same thing over and over again, outlining, ect. I also made my track very long so I find disheartening when I do 30 minutes of just outlining and I see that I am not even half way done.
6 years ago
joshua0978 I am still here, I am working on a large track that has taken me a lot of time. I also have gotten distracted playing another game, but I am still working on making tracks. I hope to have my next one out soon.
6 years ago
TheGreatGnome fr