I’m back
Published 6 years ago - 782 plays
Hey everyone I’m back! Took me awhile to get the account back but I finally did, so expect more tracks from me!
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4 months ago
then you might look back on all the "lost time" which you spent not accomplishing the things you valued most. However, we live in the present; the only way to break away from the past failures holding us down is to work in the now. Just as a chain of bad events over time made you feel like you couldn't do anything, now create a chain of good events, small victories compounding together. Instead of thinking "I wasted the last ten years", think "I'm going to create a great next ten years".
4 months ago
6 years ago... not that it matters specifically for FRHD that xenogenesisx didn't make more tracks, but it makes me think on all the unfulfilled promises we make on our own projects and goals, both large and small. Sometimes we make promises we can't keep, other times we make promises we choose not to keep. Either way, it all ends the same. When we continuously break promises to ourselves, we (often subconsciously) slowly shred away any trust for the things we want to do, it's a vicious cycle.
5 years ago
xenogenesisx *back
5 years ago
xenogenesisx bruh