Tube-ish Trial-ish
Published 7 years ago - 999 plays
Have fun! Tell me what you think in the comments and give us a thumbs up and a sub while you're at it! Thanks!
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7 years ago
hacksaw beat me
7 years ago
matt_trazy No, the top left corner. The tight half loop before star 8, then the two half walls. I'd be willing to bet that players who normally could have gotten through the track rage quit in that section. Which is fine, obv, just pointing it out for reference/awareness.
7 years ago
driveslow in between star 2 and 3?
7 years ago
matt_trazy Yeah i've already beaten it -- i could care less about beating my previous time, i just like puzzle tracks. Some constructive criticism: that whole left corner feels too volatile/unpredictable, compared to the other sections which are difficult -- but intuitive.