Not Finished Track: Collab T+B
Published 7 years ago - 710 plays
This is a Collab with TallTexan and TheBowlOfFire. We all started a little bit and are not finished. This is a sneak peek of our unfinished track. Wait foe more!!!
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7 years ago
SAVAGEMONSTER1234 just for the record i dont mind too much because you gave me credit and the fact that everyone know where this track comes from, its basically just a joke to me.
7 years ago
BattleBro yw
7 years ago
TallTexan gotcha ;) thx
7 years ago
BattleBro I do ocasionally give some people a ''preview'' of my upcomeing tracks you know you've probably goten quite a fiew, with this one I trustingly gave this user the first part of the base track for a second opinion of what needed smoothed out, it is in the exact the condition it was in, no changes have been made from what i can tell if anyone wants proof just ask BowlOfFire as previosly mentioned by SAVAGEMONSTER1234 (please dont critique my spelling, my spell check isn't working atm)