(pipes part 5) back in

Published 7 years ago - 350 plays
like and sub plz thx have a great day
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7 years ago
unkowndeathsentence yes, I did
7 years ago
plz like and sub thx
7 years ago
before she does she breaks up with him heartbroken he goes back into the pipe the spawning into a different place of pipes twisting and turning and squishing him tightly so then he smiles and goes back on an adventure for many more years getting hungry (to be continued on different pipe tracks)
7 years ago
its where a person falls down a pipe he gets mutated and turns into a blob and goes on an adventure trying to get out but he always hits a dead end then soon he spawns in a different place after four days he sees a light which is a pipe that comes out of the ground but everybody didnt like him he could never be turned back into a human so he ran away then he fell and slid down a hill after 15 minutes he finally stops sliding the he sees his girlfriend on a bench unfriending him on facebook but