Why the update????DESC!
Published 7 years ago - 420 plays
Whyyyyyy??? There is so many track making glitches. I don’t like it. On the web app 4 frhd u can’t even make tracks!!!!!! It glitches! I admire u Char, but this was a bad move. But u should people playing frhd on a phone or iPad or tablet be able to skip back a checkpoint. Please
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- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
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7 years ago
Nickel001 I also don’t look up pigeon vines and syrup sandwiches like u do
7 years ago
Nickel001 I’m not obsessed with pencil boxes, spiral notebooks, pigeons, the list goes on for ever
7 years ago
Zacharyb0331 is hyper
7 years ago
Char on the day the update came out on the web app on an iPad, you could not publish tracks. That is fixed now but some times when you press the checkpoint button to early or the enter button it does not work and you are laying there just dead. I like the other updates though. I just wonder what the purpose is for this one. Thx