Roughing It

Published 7 years ago - 11.6k plays
Hay I know I have not been making tracks in a good while, but don't worry I will make more track. vote what track will be next. Have a great day! :)
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3 years ago
GetDunkedOn_3.0 This is a no-haters community, but if you're gonna comment just to make other people feel bad about a really happy and social and fun game that they like or maybe even love as much as I do. Maybe instead of you hating on us, we should be hating on you. So why don't you stay in your crummy game full of cyberbullies and sore losers, alright? End. Of. Story.
3 years ago
GetDunkedOn_3.0 If this game sucks then why do you play it? this game gives me and my buds hours of fun, and last time I played Fortnite I heard a five-year-old say the n-word, not lying. It was on voicechat. Your username is also pretty dang offensive to everyone who sees it. Ngl, if you're gonna play this game just to gain a social life IN ANOTHER GAME and then bully people via name, why don't you just stick your sour attitude back into Fortnite? There's plenty more of it over there anyways.
4 years ago
GetDunkedOn_3.0 If u hate this game then just simply don't play it and don't whrite it in the comments. Also fortnite isn't any better then FreeRiderHD, if u say fortnite is better well u made a really big mistake
4 years ago
GetDunkedOn_3.0 what are you talking about?