Deadpool (Zoom Out, Read Desc)
Published 7 years ago - 769 plays
Im sorry for copying tracks and apparently “fishing for likes” (I wasnt) but im sorry. I wont do it. Just pixel art. Plz like and sub. No hate. Comment what i should do next for pixel art. Thx.
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7 years ago
It's fine. Sorry that I was assuming you were begging for likes if you weren't and sorry if I came across as a jerk. That wasn't my intention. Also, I like your picture. You should try something else marvel, Ironman's helmet or Captain America's shield would look pretty cool. You could use bombs and stars for the red and gold of Ironman's helmet and bombs, anti-gravity things, and lines like you did with this Deadpool for the red, white, and blue of Cap's shield.
7 years ago
I liked and subbed to you already
7 years ago
At least you said that this is a copy I forgive you