Published 7 years ago - 16.0k plays
february 18 demo of VACILLATE, track I've been working on for literally over two years. Thanks to everyone in the WIP thread and mudkip for the personal feedback on it so far.
Do me a solid and comment your favorite & least favorite part! also i'll be able to streamline the heli w/ teleporters :)
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Front Brake Advanced+
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2 years ago
so fu.cking fun
2 years ago
this guy is (i think) currently the only featured track creator to not have oa. tunavis technically didn't have oa when he made his feat but he got it later on (aka 3 years later when max randomly gave him it)
2 years ago
glad this is featured, ride is perfect
2 years ago
Pchapero2 I don't think gems affect the amount of xp earned for completing a map, if the track has a lower amount of completions, it will give you 500 gems for beating it at most, but it will still give you 2 points on your profile if its your first time beating it