In Bad.... Fµck
Published 7 years ago - 712 plays
I'm disgusted, my work ends on Friday, I couldn't draw any more for the moment... plus my manager is not very happy with me, I might have had to spend a little less time on Freerider Hd at the Office
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7 years ago
pchapero Oh pardon. c'est à peu près impossible de traduire alors...
7 years ago
Siona Hi, I'm sorry but I'm French and even with the translator I didn't quite understand the meaning of your sentence, basically you can rephrase your sentence, go straight to the point.
7 years ago
pchapero you're welcome!
7 years ago
pchapero might want to lay low for a while at work, then start playing again in the bathroom.... i know a guy who knows a guy who knows his ex-bestfriend's ex-girlfriend, who happens to be his 31-to-the-power-of-3st cousin, thrice removed, mom's uncle's celeb crush who has been dealing AND purchasing subs on youtube, who pretends to have arguments with your manager, who she sees through her window past your big fat head, in order to prepare for fights with her future husband