(Read Desc) Stop Hacking
Published 7 years ago - 564 plays
People need to stop "freeze frame" hacking. No, im not talking about space barring, but the single frame per second hacks, most commonly used with the bunnyhop tracks. It just takes the skill out of the hard tracks, but, according to NotVeryGood its just "pushing the boundaries". Seriously?
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7 years ago
SpectralUnicorn I only use it on my personal tracks to push the limits of the game. Because it can only be used to advance one frame at a time, doing an entire track with it would take FOREVER and wouldn't really be worth it. I haven't even figured out a reliable way to use z with it, severely limiting my options and taking tube tracks out of the question. As far as I know, I'm the only person that knows how to do it, and I won't be giving anyone my script anytime soon.
7 years ago
hey NotVeryGood is my bro
7 years ago
A few people do it, and it ruins the tunnel tracks as well
7 years ago
SpectralUnicorn it really is not a big deal, theres like 1 person who does it and that is NotVeryGood