How To Spacebar
Published 7 years ago - 13.5k plays
Video to help people get better at the game: . This is a track I found from a while back, I know I have published it before but here is the full version. Hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day!!!
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7 years ago
Pine also you can see that a certain %age of theirs are featured, even though some of them barely put out any tracks, because they work really hard on each one individually
7 years ago
Pine I agree. While Ninjasparkour does make decent tracks, the authors you listed make much better ones!
7 years ago
gun o
7 years ago
Pine I THINK the only reason he gets so many subs was the same reason acid_bubble was the first to reach 1000, its because Ninjasparkour is at the top of most global best times, its like free advertisment and when people see his tracks they are like "Hey iv seen him"