
Published 7 years ago - 449 plays
New Series! As a new Agent to the team, you're sent on your first mission to infiltrate a Red Squad Outpost on the cost. Be careful the place is heavily armed so we'll send off in a stealth plane to drop off. Be warned we cannot get you back out again once they discover you.
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7 years ago
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7 years ago
-attacking small areas at a time, distracting them from their main plan to attcked the shatterdome base where both generals are. He figured if he could destroy them Red Squad would perish with them. But now Red Squad were onto them and were ever seeking SSR's main secret base. So guys stay tuned for more and more episodes on SSR and play until the tension of both SSr and Red Squad build in an epic motion Free Rider Track. So if you want to stay updated, please subscribe to me and you will be
7 years ago
unseen they over powered them and now only listen to Generals Yuang and Fuosh which then ordered the attack on Sergeant Stout for him to be executed after they noticed he escaped the prisons and would threaten their hold on the Red squad. Once convinced the troops Sergeant Stout was killed 3 months after Red Squad was given the order. Now that The Generals have no one that can stop them as they took over three quarters of the world. The only people who could stop them were SSR which now
7 years ago
Hey guys this is the new series called SSR (Secret Service Organisation) where you, Agent Black are sent on missions to take down Red Squad bases and eventually discover the truth behind it all. Red Squad are exterminators of life and they control now most of the world. After operation Eagle failed and sergeant Stout was imprisoned, Red Squad took over to finsish the job. However, after going to far there own Generals were against the idea of keep using a substance that could help them become-