Who Likes The New Update?
Published 8 years ago - 946 plays
comment down below, your thoughts on the new update to free rider. i personally do not like it as much as before
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8 years ago
Thx :)
8 years ago
Illicit will do
8 years ago
legend102 I downright hate it. In my very humble opinion, it looks babyish and like a 4-year old's game. And I have a 5 year old bro, so I know what that looks like. Plus, I dunno why, but trials were easier in the old version. Check out one of mine and see if you can complete it, they've all become harder for me now. I have honestly no idea why.
8 years ago
I agree with Immortal it looks like a comic with the fonts and bubbles, but I don't think that it is any worse than it was before.