Short Trial
Published 8 years ago - 978 plays
A fun, small, short trial that is somewhat difficult for even pros.
SHOUTOUT: Somehow NotVeryGood and Legendary_Rider managed to beat a track of mine that is very difficult with BMX - Using a BMX bike.
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8 years ago
Ninjasparkour Okay, I don't feel like I'm known for good ghosts but I might be there soon: NOTE: These are all campaign tracks, I'm tied for a record on 2 of them and on Etretat I have 2nd place record (of the non-hacked), On Etretat I'm the only one (other than Campaigned) who skipped 6/7 slomos
8 years ago
8 years ago
FoxGamingTM Your pretty good but I friended you because CraigMoon told me you wanted to friend me, so I did.
8 years ago
Ninjasparkour He has #6 position on an ocean campaign track. Am I known for good records? It's hard for me to tell.