Balloon Torch On Sound
Published 8 years ago - 1.7k plays
If I can't upload this I'm banned. But wait I can. But I couldn't upload my huge track that I was working on. What? And it exported and copied it but I still cannot paste the code. It's like I don't have anything saved. Someone please help, that track took 20 hours to make and I can't lose it all
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8 years ago
That's stupid
8 years ago
its called blankxxx if you want to use it then tell me
8 years ago
Ciridae2.0 i could let you use my first account to publish it if you want. i don't use it anymore so let me know you're interested
8 years ago
Ciridae2.0 Do you have black lines in it? Also you might want to ask a Mod on Forums