Please Read Desc

Published 8 years ago - 387 plays
reacently our freind barry123ftw made a track called another banging track by barry and we worked very hard to make him feel special by makeing lots of accounts and liking his track putting him onto ot tracks lots of people were disliking this track and saying it was bad please concider apologising
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8 years ago
Rick-Astley I'm nOT working my way up?
8 years ago
AmityIllusions like i said you dont have to beleive anything there is no diffence between him and me were both human, i still dont understand why your so worked up about this im trying to talk to you calmly and your having a go at me and this poor kid
8 years ago
Rick-Astley your going out of your way to make him happy, only to eventually tell him the truth. I never said he isn't the person he is, i just can't believe everything i see on the internet
8 years ago
AmityIllusions i cant believe someone could be so scummy, this kid hardly has someone to talk to and were going out of our way to make this kid feel happy and included for once and your here saying he isnt who he is and were bad people mabey you have to reconsider what you have been doing not us