grand wheelie collab (desc.)

Published 8 years ago - 8.7k plays
Tell me if you're interested. Only talented detailers and wheelie makers are really needed but if you're not sure if that applies to you let me know and I'll look at your tracks and decide whether or not I want to accept you.
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
8 years ago
I would like to be in a collab, but I am bad and I am forever alone
8 years ago
really good sub for sub?
8 years ago
Hola123 me?
8 years ago
Hola123 I'm not very well known but my wheelies are pretty good and a can give a hand detailing if you get desperate.