Hilly Cave

Published 8 years ago - 7.5k plays
This is a cave, with HILL detail lol... I hope you like this style, and if you dont just say in the comments that you like the cave style better! Enjoy!
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2 years ago
better -18 1i 18 1i,-82 -fm -4m 3fb,-4q 3f5 op 3eg,-2t 3jl -31 3is -3d 3i3 -3r 3ht -5r 3i1 -7u 3ik -8k 3j5 -8o 3jl -8o 3k9 -8d 3kr -7s 3l1 -79 3ku -6k 3km -5t 3ke -56 3k7 -4g 3jt -3u 3jm -3h 3jf -34 3j6 -3b 3jj -3l 3k2 -3v 3kg -4b 3ku -4o 3l5 -59 3lf -5r 3lp -6a 3m2 -6r 3m9,-1i 3kt -t 3l2 -d 3l4 6 3l4 3 3kk -e 3kh -u 3kn -1a 3l1 -u 3lf -g 3lp 3 3m3 1c 3lu,38 3ka 37 3kt 35 3lc 37 3lu 3c 3mj 3e 3mm,2j 3la 3c 3lb 40 3lb 43 3lb,-6e 3ob -6f 3ov -6h 3pj -6h 3q2 -6h 3qr -6h 3ri -6
7 years ago
-18 1i 18 1i,-82 -fm -4m 3fb,-4q 3f5 op 3eg,-2v 3ga -2v 3gq -22 3hd -m 3hp -3 3i1 l 3ig 19 3ik 1n 3io 2d 3j2 33 3j0 3g 3io 3q 3if 3q 3id,-1m 3h5 -1e 3i7 -1e 3in -1c 3j5 -17 3ju -13 3ko -r 3lo -q 3m9 -q 3mt -p 3ng,34 3mj 38 3n3 33 3mf 2l 3kr 2b 3j7 2d 3i5 2j 3hp 2t 3hh 3d 3hd 5b 3ht 5t 3if 6h 3jp 6j 3k9 4t 3kh 3r 3kb 37 3k7 2l 3k3 b7 3pl ce 3qo cr 3r8 d9 3ru dn 3si e5 3t5,bg 3mn b0 3mh ag 3m3 a0 3ld 9k 3kr 9a 3kb 98 3jl 9a 3iv 9m 3ij a4 3if b6 3ij c6 3iv co 3jb d4 3jp d2 3kh ce 3m9 c4 3mv bo 3nb
8 years ago
AidantheNarwhal ik xD
8 years ago
JackElite tries to make a wheelie....makes it into a smooth track.