Published 8 years ago - 228 plays
Freeride ! By Suprarthur - 24 juin 2008 - Freeride - beginner
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2 years ago
that means, i found a way to get infinite redopblue ghosts, like i did at dead animal juice and kelp me i'm drowining by dante, aerial infinity by sketchlemon, and some others. i decided to unfriend redopblue to friend kzabrikov instead (so people don't mock me by friending a impersonator), i'll tell why, but maybe at a forums convo tomorrow, since it's a long story and i gtg in 3 mins. sure, i'll do that
2 years ago
sorry for mention twice i messed up
2 years ago
Tubiek yes, just found it by looking at erikeriksson2001's latest ghosts. also, most tracks i challenge piski, they ghost it, and get to the leaderboard, and also does it with redopblue
2 years ago
XGRAzgr challenge them to 2012, we need another kz feat