Cubes (Preview)

Published 8 years ago - 394 plays
Hi yall! So me and my friend Datboi have been working on a collab for over 3 months. (Yeah, I know) This is nowhere NEAR the final product. This is the second email Datboi sent back to me. We have about 47 emails so far, so expect a TON more, keep you eyes out for that. Detail, stars, challenges etc
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7 years ago
Illicit GAH! I think I figured it out! There was a single "l" at the end of the track code which created a broken gravity in the beginning of the track.
7 years ago
Illicit It allows me to complete the track, once complete I enter in the title and description and it sits there saying Generating code and I've left it for over an hour and it never finishes.
7 years ago
Bob8898 What does it say when you try to upload? I hope you don't think that I am trying to steal your track, but I have official author, so I can see if I can publish it - I don't have to complete it before publishing, if that's what the glitch is. Find me on forums, I can talk now, or any time within the next 5 hours.
7 years ago
Illicit Thanks! Me and datboiiiiiiiiiiiii worked very hard, but the track won't upload correctly!!! It's been done for a while! I don't know what I should do!