Island Wheelie Preview
Published 8 years ago - 667 plays
This is just a preview! full will be much longer but do people like this? 20 likes for full ill do over a 25 second wheelie! also this is by far my best wheelie so far! took a while to! thanks guys! also big shout out to BrandonBishop50 & TheExtreamRider! they both gave me 15k coins! for the afro!!!
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8 years ago
the clouds don't really look very professional. if you would like i can help you on some of the track and the clouds?
8 years ago
BrandonBishop50 dude.
8 years ago
BrandonBishop50 can you make a track and tell people to sub to me?
8 years ago
BrandonBishop50 you got it?