Published 8 years ago - 795 plays
Does anyone know how to make a contest????
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8 years ago
TheExtreamRider sorry you can't give away coins unless you have freerider pro but you can make any contest you want; ex.: I will subscribe to a random person who comments that they liked the track and subbed
8 years ago
AntonioRosell thanks that helps me a lot!
8 years ago
slimestone5 I know I'm not TheExtreamRider, but members can collab with a forum account. When you are done creating part of the collab you select "Export" and copy the track code and paste it in your discussion. That way, your friend can add to your track.
8 years ago
TheExtreamRider You dont even need to ask. You can just make a track and in the description have all of the rules and constraints. If you want to make it on forums just start a forums thread