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8 years ago
Bloons and you can't be g@y if you f*ck m*ms d*ckles
8 years ago
Bloons i know what a F*CKING blob fish looks like you c*nt now go F*CK yourself and j*rk off in the parking lot next to a bar so you get raped by F*CKING old people you MOTHER F*CKER
8 years ago
BURNT_DONKEY and I bet your dad looks like this search what does a blob fish looks likes then u can see how your dad looks
8 years ago
BURNT_DONKEY what did u say did u say your a fa t as s load p icee of sh it and your a g ay as s mother f uc ker wow th was easy to tell not a shocker so f uck u and get a life instead of f uckking with your dad all the time