Live it to the end
Published 8 years ago - 1.0k plays
Just something quick I threw together. I don't normally do smooth tracks or any type of jumps like this, but I figured why not. Enjoy!
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8 years ago
zeke15 I'm the one being annoying? I'm the one not being constructive? You're the one who started all this - I was just trying to explain that you shouldn't force the player to glitch in order to win, but you ended up too triggered to be respectful. Maybe if you were less of an obnoxious jerk you could learn to respect the comments of others and maybe deflate your enormous ego. Free Rider doesn't deserve jerks like you.
8 years ago
Pfannkuchen Because I'm really looking for or even care about your opinion. If I wanted to put effort in, I would have. If I wanted to actually deal with you, I would, but instead, you're just blowing up my notifications with useless non constructive criticism and annoying comments. I'm done here, thanks for playing, now move along and stop bothering me
8 years ago
zeke15 I'm older than you. Maybe you should have put some actual effort into your track before you published it instead of wasting everyone's time with this garbage.
8 years ago
Pfannkuchen When I decide annoying kids like you actually bother me enough to warrant quitting this game