Published 8 years ago - 934 plays
Hello everyone today I continued the race escape and also I said that players 1 2 3 4 5 will participate then those were selected for the race and are the characters then next race the different players will participate ok!
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8 years ago
thats why
8 years ago
tetrationiscool i know why, when i get 99+ notifications i only look at 90 of them
8 years ago
peanutbubbles14 well, this is probably a pointless thing to type, but here it goes anyway. You don't seem to be able to see what I'm typing when I tag you or challenge you. I was trying to communicate with you in any way to explain why I originally unfriended you. I explained it at least 3 times, but you didn't seem to get the message. I still don't know why that is. I friended you in an attempt to communicate that message with you, but you didn't respond to any of my challenges.
8 years ago
tetrationiscool why do you keep unfriending me?