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8 years ago
TrollMonster oh shut up you D ick sucking hoe you ride you dads D ICK EVERY NIGHT
TrollMonster you rasist stop being an annoying little H OE get a life at wall mart for 10 cents because it is probably the only thing you can afford you B ASTARD C OCK SUCKING B ITCH A SS M OTEHRFUCKER
trollmonster you just S hut your C ock S uckin A ss up and go get a life before i come kill yo A ss YOU B itch a ss h OE
You F UCKING D ICKS you are probally black which explais the stupid comments
8 years ago
TrollMonster oh shut up you D ick sucking hoe you ride you dads D ICK EVERY NIGHT
8 years ago
TrollMonster you rasist stop being an annoying little H OE get a life at wall mart for 10 cents because it is probably the only thing you can afford you B ASTARD C OCK SUCKING B ITCH A SS M OTEHRFUCKER
8 years ago
trollmonster you just S hut your C ock S uckin A ss up and go get a life before i come kill yo A ss YOU B itch a ss h OE
8 years ago
You F UCKING D ICKS you are probally black which explais the stupid comments