Dont move part 4
Published 8 years ago - 325 plays
Hey guys! This is Dont move part 4! I didn't add too much but making long autos gets frustrating. You have to keep going to the start and going to where you were which takes a minute! Anyway the last dont moves were really popular and thx. Rate. Enjoy. Comment and dont forget to subscribe! 10 likes?
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7 years ago
da-op-rider We could make a track together but I don't know how that would work.
7 years ago
da-op-rider Btw, this is lord_blasters second acount. sounds fishy right. I could prove it. Anyway I can't comment for reason i'll tell later. Jeez I sound suspisus. Sorry it took this long to reply. I took a year break from frhd
8 years ago
i am pretty good in hold ups
8 years ago
should we make a track together Lord_blaster?