>> Havoc <<
Published 8 years ago - 7.3k plays
WARNING: This isn't an easy track! It's pretty fun to just play around with the platforms, or you can experiment with different routes, and try to get the fastest time! Remember to challenge your friends, and if you're stuck, check out some ghosts on the leaderboard. Thanks! :)
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- Lean Right
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3 years ago
5 years ago
tetrationiscooI e x c u s e m e w h a t
6 years ago
tetrationiscool Can you do your bounce thing to get the helicopter and win really fast? I have seen you do it in one of my tracks
8 years ago
Notoriouss K. No promises, workin on a couple of things in FRHD, but have a life outside too, lol. I'll try, though. Glad you liked it, man! It really means alot. :)