really awesome track. Some things that stood out to me was generally good checkpoint placement, good star spacing (progression), fun jumps and speed control sections, and overall fun to explore. There's a lot that I wasn't able to absorb in one playthrough, so I plan to make an in-depth analysis later (if I don't though, this comment offers incite to my first impressions). +1
2 months ago
i like this track
5 months ago
really awesome track. Some things that stood out to me was generally good checkpoint placement, good star spacing (progression), fun jumps and speed control sections, and overall fun to explore. There's a lot that I wasn't able to absorb in one playthrough, so I plan to make an in-depth analysis later (if I don't though, this comment offers incite to my first impressions). +1
2 years ago
Lilac49 ill try to beat that
2 years ago