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3 months ago
dang it I had a super clean ghost that would of prob got 1.50 but I sold the end
9 years ago
Pro_Rider_Legend like I said, I'm not very dependable.
Dardanos well i done published the track
Pro_Rider_Legend Sure, but I'm not always available so you can't depend on me. And I don't need the subs.
3 months ago
dang it I had a super clean ghost that would of prob got 1.50 but I sold the end
9 years ago
Pro_Rider_Legend like I said, I'm not very dependable.
9 years ago
Dardanos well i done published the track
9 years ago
Pro_Rider_Legend Sure, but I'm not always available so you can't depend on me. And I don't need the subs.