Staircase time waste
Published 9 years ago - 399 plays
Can you make it around the steps easily?
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3 years ago
Blank_Guy sure pal lmao
3 years ago
LordGloomis Alright, quit with the BS. I just read your entire conversation and it looks like you started insulting his track, leave this man alone. He did nothing wrong but you did seeing as you had insulted his track making ability and saying he is using detail to cover up his "mistake" is a whole bunch of BS in itself.
3 years ago
Blank_Guy i didn't start it. i told him his ramp clips and he took offense to it and rallied his lil hurt friends because of it. not my problem \(o.o)/ i'll stop arguing when he does lol
3 years ago
waddleshoes Mention me on the track. As for you, LordGloomis, stop arguing.