i went too far
Published 9 years ago - 15.0k plays
I am HelloMan and MentallyNormal. I went too far trolling. I apologize to anybody I hurt during my trolling spree. I completely understand if you hate me. I’ll personally like the tracks of everyone I downvoted with my bot accounts. M1, Rat and many others i'll try to make it up to you.
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2 years ago
Orbit Trolling complete, return to HQ
3 years ago
\\̵͇̿̿\з=(•_•)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ Mi nombre es jeff. cópiame y pégalo 10 veces alrededor de FRHD para que el amor de tu vida te bese, tienes 120 minutos para copiar y pegar esto, si fallas en copiar y pegar esto en 120 minutos serás maldecido por 1 año, y lo tendrás terriblemente mal suerte, tu mascota favorita morirá, y te romperás el brazo, ya que has leído todo esto no hay vuelta atrás, es ahora o nunca.................
3 years ago
i fell on the last one
4 years ago
Orbit Do you maybe want to join a big collab i'm doing?