put a stop to Hillary!

Published 9 years ago - 939 plays
Hillary stinks! Jesus is the only good Person on leadership!
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8 years ago
uhh this si so anoying the problem is i can not convince people that there is no g0d just as no one can convince me there is a g0d. because of this there have been countless deaths and angerments i spell bad because i dont believe in g0d right. anyways it is just best to not publicly share beliefs that as contriverial also i m not crazy about hillary iether.
8 years ago
DDNZ I am sure G0d is happy with you!
8 years ago
z3z you know, G0d is awsome and no one can live with out Him, the HOLLY SPIRIT and JESSUS. Your life would great with JESSUS. I strongly urge you to change your mind and ask G0d for forgivness. Then when you die, you can live with G0d in Heaven.
8 years ago
DDNZ I am with you, we need a stop to hillary!