Clouds tell stories?

Published 9 years ago - 452 plays
I saw a picture of a queen, a key, a panda, a graveyard, a box and a horse. Say in the comments what you think these weird pictures meant.
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9 years ago
Clouds tell stories? DylanNair DylanNair Subscribe17 Published just now - 0 plays I saw a picture of a queen, a key, a panda, a graveyard, a box and a horse. Say in the comments what you think these weird pictures meant. 0 PLAYERS COMPLETED false AVERAGE TIME false COMPLETION RATE 1K TRACK SIZE 100% (1 votes) Flag as inappropriate Show Less
9 years ago
I have a feeling this is going to be played a lot. I wonder also what people will think. Will they even believe me. How do people make such detailed tracks. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm