Teleport Sound

Published 9 years ago - 5.7k plays
A shorter track that will still be challenging. I have to say this every time because some don't understand, it's supposed to be hard, don't dislike because it's hard. Like and subscribe for more.
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- Accelerate
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- Lean Left
- Lean Right
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Front Brake Advanced+
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9 years ago
mR..A fuuuuuuuck i had 10.40 and i hit the bomb it was a beatiful run
9 years ago
BrokenRivals A few more checkpoints would be nice... lol ;)
9 years ago
mR..A xD yeh.... I dont rly know why I do.... Like im a decent rider, I can do pretty much any track if I try, and I guess I make some decent tracks, but im not a prodigy like u.... just saying IDK why I have any xD
9 years ago
the_rider yeah i guess it means they're fans but coming up with an original username isn't hard. Mr-Auto Mr...A mR..auo to name a few, i think there's even a Mrs..Auto lol