Guinness World Record (Desc)
Published 9 years ago - 642 plays
Hey guys Im going to be trying for a record in the Guinness World Records Book! We are going to try 4 either most likes on a track, most subscribers, or most friend requests. You can help! Please do any of the options and you may be in the next track!!!
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9 years ago
Sorry guys for like fishing :(
9 years ago
willskier1 I was like fishing lol. I haven't since tho
9 years ago
willskier1 Itcllelikei
9 years ago
CoOkiEMoNsTeR101 haha theres no way that u could get more likes than Strat's Intro, and it's impossible to get over 30 friends, and it would take a lot of hard work to get more subs than iTzChuckNorris ... and none of these would put u in the Guinness WR book