You matter
Published 9 years ago - 726 plays
Alex Foster, you're treasured by the one who spoke and set the sun ablaze, to the one who stopped the storm and walked the waves, To the one who took the tree so he could say, you matter, I hope you know You matter! I am praying for you man! I care about you! And I know that I'm not the only one!
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9 years ago
Will you keep fighting against the urge? Or will you succumb to it? AlexFoster8
9 years ago
I never conquered, rarely came. Tomorrow holds such better days. Days when I can still feel alive. When I can't wait to get outside. The world is wide, the time goes by. The tour is over, I've survived. I can't wait till I get home to pass the time in my room alone.
9 years ago
I never conquered, rarely came. 16 just held such better days. Days when I still felt alive. We couldn't wait to get outside. The world was wide, too late to try. The tour was over we'd survived. I couldn't wait till I got home to pass the time in my room alone..
9 years ago
I never thought I'd die alone. Another six months I'll be unknown. Give all my things to all my friends. You'll never step foot in my room again. You'll close it off, board it up. Remember the time that I spilled the cup of apple juice in hall? Please tell mom this is not her fault.