Escape the Box (read desc.)

Published 9 years ago - 717 plays
Do this with heli. Log the number of tries it took you to beat this in the comments (say my name.) Pls like and sub. Another experiment.
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9 years ago
ItzJusMe so basically when you r drawing the track if the base line was there when you put a heli powerup on ur guy u die But, If u erase the base line and put one through your head and have a heli power up touching ur guy, then you can fly all you want w/o the timer running our, and you cant get the star get it now?
9 years ago
JCRadical Lol, I really don't*
9 years ago
JCRadical Imoy,Iellyontlol
9 years ago
ItzJusMe u probably dont get what im saying but.......