The Ride - WAHT. MTB
Published 9 years ago - 1.5k plays
The Full Version of "The Ride" NOTICE : THIS IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE RAN SMOOTHLY, this makes it have a small bit of challenge. - Feedback and support is appreciated! Likes tell me that you want more Tracks like this one! - Good luck and have fun!
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- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
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Front Brake Advanced+
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9 years ago
the link is:
9 years ago
sry i thought u took it from my challenge. They are completely different anyways. Have you played/liked it whatthewaht ?
9 years ago
But the point im trying to make is, Its just a game, Track names that get copied dont matter, Its like all those Hold Up tracks, I dont see a lot of people saying that someone took their track name because it was a "Hold Up" Track... Plus I made this name off the top of my head.
9 years ago
JCRadical Well, Its not like there's a whole bunch of other tracks in this game called the ride... Plus it does not really matter, Someone can literally take the name JCRadical, and no one would really care.