Message to the Community

Published 9 years ago - 1.2k plays
This is not directed at anyone specifically! Autos are ruining Free Rider. They require no skill to create or complete. Yes, people say they are cool, but they aren't anymore. They were only cool like a year ago. What I'm saying is to STOP MAKING THESE STUPID ABOMINATIONS OF A TRACK!! Like and sub.
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9 years ago
That awkward moment when you try to race NotVeryGood
9 years ago
chickenpro837 U know why u made this? Because u cant make autos. All of your tracks suck, and you are a bad rider. U are only saying this because your "tracks" Are terrible and u cant make autos. If you make 1 good track, i will give you 20,000 coins. Ur salty
9 years ago
Acid_Bubble my new challenge.
9 years ago
SuperDuperVance What do i look at on the forums