Editable Hold Up

Published 10 years ago - 813 plays
You can edit this code if you want! But make sure you credit me in the description of the edited track. If not then I'll do it myself (if I see it) -18 1i 18 1i 68 1i 6k 1i 7a 1h 80 1g 8l 1e 99 1c 9r 19 ad 15 au 10 bd r bs m c9 g cm 9 d2 1 dc -7 dm -g du -p e2 -u e2 1i,de 1i gs 1i mq 1i,pk 1i pa 1i
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10 years ago
Ok the code is not full, so use this instead: pastebin . com/7LbH0px6